Achieving Success
Mukhtar Akinteye
Success represents different strokes to different folks, the concept of being successful however permeates into every aspect of human endeavours.
Many of us, erroneously attach success *Only* with economic buoyancy, such that once a man has a fine 🚗 , a fine 🏡 and perhaps a fine 👩 , that man is successful, and his counterpart with no fine car, no fine house, and no fine woman is deemed unsuccessful. Wrong!!!
Material success is without doubt a measure of success, it is however not the only yardstick to be employed in determining success, as success itself could be personal success, educational success, career success, marital success, spiritual success and other form of successes.
In the weeks to follow, we shall dwell on *5* steps which could help us achieve success across all endeavours.
See you next week.