Akinteye Mukhtar Omotunde (D'Pioneer)

Saturday, 29th June, 2019.

NEVER GIVE UP ON WHATEVER YOU LOVE. Sometimes, life hits you on the head with a rock, don't lose faith, rather keep doing whatever good you love to do. For one important factor of being successful in an endeavor is to love that which you do. This is as true for work as it is true for lovers. Your work will perhaps fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly fulfilled is to love whatever work you do.
If you haven't found it (what you truly love to do), keep looking and never settle with less, and as with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.
Know also, that you can never connect the dots of life looking forward, you can only connect them backward, you just have to trust in destiny that those dots of your life will somehow connect in the future.
Let us take a leaf from the life notes of Steve Jobs: When he partially dropped out of college, he stopped taking classes that didn't interest him and began to drop in on classes that look interesting. A particular dot of his life during this period was a calligraphy class he dropped in on, where he learnt the intricacies of artful typography. He described the class as fascinating, beautiful, historical and artfully subtle in a way that science can't capture.
He says In his own words: "None of this (calligraphy) had even a hope of any practical application in my life, but ten years later when we were designing the first Macintosh, it all came back to me and we designed calligraphy into the Mac, making it the first computer with beautifull typography".
Thus, the calligraphy dot of Steve's life finally connected when he and his team designed the Macintosh computer, *Ten solid years later.*
Never ever give up on yourself and on that positive skill set that interests you, even if you can't fathom any useful application for it today, trust in the best of creators that somehow, sometimes, and somewhere in the not too far future, the dots of your life too will positively connect.

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